Thursday, January 9, 2014

A little cardio

Tuesday, thanks to hell pretty much freezing over, I got very little exercise. Other than 10 minutes walking from the parking garage to the office, the steps in the garage and the office, and the reverse trip, that was it. 

Yesterday, I did even less cardio, but I did break out the 8 lb. weights and to do a bunch of arm, shoulder, leg, back, and ab stuff. I also managed four push-ups. They were not pretty, but I think I can be up to a solid five in another week.

Today was better cardio wise. I had the usual bus-related walk in the morning, but we also walked about 25 or so minutes outside at lunch. Later in the afternoon, I took a solo stair walk. In just over six minutes, I walked up and down the 258 steps, plus another trip up and back our 75 steps. I managed to jog up the one set of 75 early on, which winded me. But I did get a lot of steps in. I did okay eating. Whereas I would normally have had two donuts, I had 2/3 of one. Progress!

I ended the day walking about 10 minutes to a friend's car and then around Phipps. And we had a small dinner. Because of yesterday's weights, I skipped all the weight and leg/arm stuff, other than four not-pretty push-ups.

Here's hoping this weekend goes well. I really do feel as if I am making progress. Even my clothes, after just one week, feel a little less tight. 

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