Monday, February 7, 2011

Not as cold but rainy

I am happy to report I ran two miles again today. The temps were about 37 while I was running, and fortunately, there was not that crazy wind as there was last week when I ran. On the other hand, it was raining lightly but steadily the entire time, which was a bit annoying considering I did not have a windbreaker to keep dry.

Oddly enough, running up the first killer hill seemed more difficult than it was last week (which had marked over 60 days since I had last run up that hill). No idea why. But I did run a little faster today, so there is that.

Mile one: 10:10
Mile two: 8:29

I swam yesterday, completing about 15 laps. I decided running was the lesser of two evils today. It just made more sense to run in the rain, surrounded by gray skies, after that Steelers loss.

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