Thursday, April 22, 2010

Step off!

Yesterday, I had an unexpected hour to wait at my kid's school before dismissal. I did not have my running clothes since I thought I was going to be doing something else, but I did have my running shoes. What's a girl to do? Well, when you wear baggy clothes, you can run up steps!

There are 64 steps between the middle and upper lots, plus two small landings. I ran up those bad boys about a dozen times; I lost count after about eight or nine trips.

When you lack grace and have limited coordination, running up steps is no easy task. I would pretty much sprint up the first few steps, but then I would look ahead and see the shadows lying across most of the steps and scare myself into thinking I was going to trip. As a result, I ended up jogging at times. It also did not help that my size 10 shoes seemed almost too long for the depth of the steps. More than once, I pictured myself taking a tumble backwards down several dozen steps.

In the end, it was a good workout, something different, and best of all, I stayed upright the entire time (it helped that I walked down the steps; no use pressing my luck). Unfortunately, I did not stretch when I was done, so my thighs are really feeling it this morning. But I like to think my muscles will eventually thank me for mixing it up!

1 comment:

  1. When I was in college we would do the cathedral steps when the weather was bad. I like your idea of just getting a workout in when you can. Very motivational.
