Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gasping for breath

My most recent runs, prior to today, went well, as noted here. Thirty-eight had nothing on me! Unfortunately, today I found myself struggling as I trekked up the hill. I was not sure I would make the two miles, let alone one. But I refused to quit, so I panted pretty much non-stop. Thankfully, when I was down to my last 1/4 of a mile, "I Gotta Feeling" came on the radio on my mp3 player. Finally! I managed to get some speed going, made easier by the slight downward slope, though I was breathing pretty heavily. I must admit, though, I was glad when the song was over. I could not have kept up that pace, which I am guessing was about 5 to 6 mph. (I am doing my best to remember speed from when I used to run on the treadmill at the gym, quite a few years ago.)

After I did just over two miles, and walked for a minute or two, I decided to sprint for about 10 yards a few times. Well, run fast is a little more accurate. I was disappointed in the first half of my run, so I wanted to go out on a high note, or at least in a way that says I am not over the hall and out of shape.

I am glad the temps were right around 30; as I mentioned before, I loathe to run in temps under the upper 20s. Tomorrow and the next day, temps should be around 40, so I hope to be able to get a second run in this week. We'll see.

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